Looking to upgrade your wifi speed?
*This was NOT sponsored, I spent my own money on this adapter.*
Internet providers will sell you high-speed internet and they might even include a WIFI 6 high-speed wireless router, but can your hardware keep even keep up?
If you are looking to actually get the most out of your expensive high-performance internet plan, not only do you need the latest wireless router but your devices will need to be compatible with the new technology.
Older devices will be incapable of performing at high speeds. Laptops can sometimes be upgraded, but for most an upgrade is not available and isn’t as user-friendly.
On a desktop PC, swapping components can be really easy.
For the test, I am paying for Verizon Fios 400 mb/s Internet speeds.
My old ASUS USB WIFI dongle wasn’t performing well at all at only around 80mb download and upload.
Upgrading my desktop PC to the WIFI 6 PCI-E Adapter by ASUS AX3000 Dual Band PCE-AX58BT is a huge improvement. After installation, the speed jumped over 3x.
The only limitation now seems to be my internet plan. Built-in Bluetooth 5.0 saves me from yet another USB dongle and if you have an ASUS motherboard, it works without having to install any drivers.
* Get the Stuff (Affiliate Links Support the Channel);
– ASUS USB WIFI Dongle: https://amzn.to/2ZW8AZi
– ASUS WIFI 6 PCIE Adapter: https://amzn.to/2ZYwTGA
Pretty impressive results and I’m happy to now have upgraded to WIFI 6 and Bluetooth 5.0.
Let me know if you have any questions.