When, How, and Why You Should Perform Routine Tire Inspections
Check your pressure cold every month or 1k miles and again with a large temperature change.

These routine tire inspections should occur at times that make sense with how you drive, every 1k miles or so doesn’t hurt, but at least once every month, especially if the car sits for periods of time. I typically add in a few extra seasonal inspections when the temperature outside changes by at least 20-30 degrees in either direction.

What are Cold Tires?
Setting your tire pressure is recommended when your tires are cold. Cold tires simply refers to before you start your car and drive away. The act of rolling your tires as you drive warms them up and heats up the air molecules and will result in a higher reading.
Don’t Wait For The Gas Station Air Pump!

In order to equalize the standard for air pressure in tires, tires should always be tested/filled before you hit the road. This means you should have, at home or in your trunk, your own air pump for checking/inflating/deflating you tire pressure. Gas station air should be kept to an emergency situation only and even then if you have your own pump in the trunk, outside of a blow out or puncture, you won’t get stranded.
What I use:

Performing routine tire inspections prevent unwanted expenses, help you avoid unwanted surprises and keep you and your family safe on the road.
Tires Just Lose Air Pressure Over Time
On their own tires can lose around 1 lb of air pressure each month. That means if your recommended air pressure is 36 psi, then within only a short few months you can be riding around on just 30-33 psi.
Outside Air Temperatures Influence Your Tire Pressure
Fluctuating air temperatures will cause the existing air molecules in your tire to either expand or contract. This means that when the winter comes, air condenses and the resulting air pressure in your tire’s is lower than normal. When it’s starts to get hot outside, the air expands and the resulting air pressure in your tires are higher than normal. This is especially intense if you experience seasons where you live.

With my RYOBI portable tire inflation pump, I can just set the exact factory recommended air pressure and then press start. The best part is that it shuts off automatically once it’s reached the setting.
Increase Fuel Economy (MPG)
When a tire is under-inflated, more of the tread touches the ground and creates a bit more rolling resistance. Resistance slows you down and then you use more gas to maintain speed or accelerate, therefore lowering your overall MPG.
Prevent uneven Tire Wear

Routine Inspections will help prevent uneven tire wear. Reading tire tread is a scientific art. Under-inflated tires will wear more on the sides of the tread. Over-inflated tires will wear more in the middle of the tread. Worn out suspension components can create swallows and pockets of wear alongside or down the tread.

You can check your existing tire wear with a simple low-tech tire tread depth gauge. I check the inside of the tire and compare it to the edges of the tire to see if there is any evidence of excessive wear.

An under inflated tire creates excessive flex at the tire’s shoulders. This then creates a heat buildup and will cause the rubber to deteriorate and crack prematurely, eventually causing it to fail. I just hope that doesn’t happen to you while you’re turning.
What I use:

Prevent Accidents & Roadside Incidents
Nobody wants to be stuck on the side of the road. If you haven’t experienced tire failure, or a blowout, then I hope now you never have to. Proper inspections and preventative maintenance should prevent these situations, but we are all susceptible to the roadside nail. A nail will allow you to keep rolling for a bit and won’t cause a huge accident like this:
Motorweek’s Run Flat Blowout vs. Traditional Tire Blowout https://youtu.be/cZ7mbd7hWLg
Avoid UNWANTED Surprises at the Mechanic/Dealer!
Never be surprised the next time your mechanic/tire shop/dealer, etc. tells you that you need new tires. Prevent the situation where they have your car and want to sell you their tires at their price. Prevent unwanted spin outs, due to low tire tread while driving in the rain/snow/sleet/Ice/Cold/etc.